Never let me go

 Florence Welch wrote a song called "Never Let Me Go" and from the lyrics I have always thought even from a very young age that it was about her wanting to give her life to the ocean. This is in suicide terms of course. Yes, it is morbid, but the song is just beautiful. I am sure she was going through a lot at the time of writing it, but the way she explains how she feels and what she would want to do or the statement she would want to make by drowning herself in the ocean is truly beautiful. Suicide doesn't always have to be a grim topic. Very very strangely, it can be meaningful and Florence does a wonderful job of proving that with this song. 

In the song she talks about how she would finally find peace/happiness in the ocean's embrace and at the ocean's bottom as it took the breath from her lungs for the last time. She explains that there is no better way to commit suicide than to give your body back to the earth as a thank you to mother nature for holding her and nourishing her this far. Nature is behind just about everything we get to experience and hold dear to us our entire lives and in a strong sense I can agree with her wanting to literally give her life to the earth when she is ready as the ultimate thank you and sacrifice. It's just a completely transcending concept. 

This project was about piecing together an original collage in order to tell the song's story and overall emotion through imagery. This was the final result! 
