Trying to connect: business to millennial. "I'm definitely a Dairy Cow."

    Here's the thing...

   Millennials rely on social media for a lot of their behavioral, and hobbyist trends. I do believe social media has become a hobby for them and many other people born in the era of social technology. This leads companies into the unknown. Yes, it is off to the depths of the social media caverns we go as companies try to connect to younger audiences in order to stay relevant in the future. We desperately need the business of younger generations in order to not disappear completely. So...what must be done? 

   Here at Isopodia, we are at an advantage. You could say we have the upper hand on other companies that sell things like insurance or, well, adult diapers for instance. We breed and sell bugs, arachnids, terrarium supplies, and more. We sell ANIMALS!!! Not many younger people can resist being talked into buying a cute beetle they come across at our booth. So, I suppose you could say we have an easier time attracting younger generations. This is wonderful, but it does not mean we don't have to continually post on social media and get creative in order to interact with and grab the attention of millennials.

   Right now we are working on a small silly interactive project that is perfect for social media like Facebook and Instagram! We take a couple cartoon logos of different types of isopods. let's say there are around six. Underneath each isopod there are funny descriptions. For example under the Diary Cow isopod it could say, "is threateningly cute, could eat steak for every meal, probably hates you, destroys everything in its path." Naturally, millennials will know exactly what to do upon seeing this post: they will read which isopod describes them closely enough but is still a little weird and humorous and then they will share the post saying something like "I'm definitely a dairy cow." By doing this, their friends will see this post and interact as well. There is a good chance they will share it too. The more younger generations play this game and share it, the more chance our company has at being noticed! 



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